Eco printing made its way into my life so gently that I hardly noticed at first. I already had my creative life full, with photography and ceramics. I did not seek another passion, but when Shelter in Place happened, I found myself printing every day. I suspect my fondness for this method of printing developed from the fact that It allows for a deeper connection with nature. I was observing more closely the plants around me, recognizing changes that take place every day and having a tactile experience of various textures. I enjoyed going on walks to find leaves and learn the plant names.
While the majority of my eco printing has been done on paper (you can find them at here), I couldn't resist combining it with my passion for clay. The pieces below are bisqued white stoneware, eco printed with various leaves and flowers. I anticipate the unwrapping of boiled pieces, like a kid anticipates opening presents at Christmas. You never know for sure what you are going to get. When the pieces are unwrapped, the transformation continues: certain colors fade, others appear, new shapes come through as the moisture dissipates. Each piece is completely unique. I am not looking for a literal depiction of plants, I hope to see and reveal something less obvious and more mysterious about them and impart something of myself as a co-creator.